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Wypożyczalnia samochodów w Geneva Airport(French Side)

Dom Lokalizacje Wszystkie lotniska
  • Najlepsza cena wynajmu samochodu

  • Lokalizacje wypożyczalni

  • Dobrze wiedzieć

Najlepsza cena wynajmu samochodów w Geneva Airport(french Side)(GVA)

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 4 Marzec 2025

12 Marki wypożyczalni samochodów w Geneva Airport(French Side) (GVA)

18 Lokalizacje wypożyczalni

    • Idź do lady
    • w terminalu

    9.5/10 Doskonały

    2000+ ocen, 8 opinii

    View details


    • Pickup

      After arriving, remain on Swiss side of airport and follow signs to on site rental cars counter. After leaving with contract in hand, exit the building and take the rental car shuttle to the P51 car park and proceed to the kiosk to complete the contract.

    • Telephone


    • Idź do lady
    • w terminalu

    9.1/10 Doskonały

    2000+ ocen, 9 opinii

    View details


    • Pickup

      Please be aware that there are two Enterprise/National/Alamo locations at the Geneva Airport. Please consult your reservation to verify if you are renting from the Swiss or French sector. If renting from the French sector please follow the signs in the airport to the "French Sector" or "Gate F". The signs posted "Rental Car" or "Location Voiture" in the airport will take you to the Swiss Sector. You will need to pass through the border located inside the airport from the Swiss to the French side. Once on the French side continue straight. After passing the airline desks on the right, the Enterprise/National/Alamo desk is located on the right. Enterprise/National/Alamo are serviced from the same desk.

    • Telephone


    • Idź do lady
    • w terminalu

    8.9/10 Bardzo dobry

    2000+ ocen, 7 opinii

    View details


    • Pickup

      Located at Swiss Side, please follow Car rental signs direction at the airport to find the counter.

    • Telephone


    • Idź do lady
    • w terminalu

    8.9/10 Bardzo dobry

    600+ ocen, 2 opinii

    View details


    • Pickup

      Airport Terminal Instructions COUNTER: Exit the arrival hall&turn right. Look for the Budget desk. CARS: On-site. RETURNS: Same as pick-up. AFTER-HOURS RETURNS: Not available.

    • Telephone

      +41229290330 / +41229290339

    • Idź do lady
    • w terminalu

    8.7/10 Bardzo dobry

    2000+ ocen, 7 opinii

    View details


    • Pickup

      Please go to our agency of Geneva on the French Sector. On arrival,rngo up to the “Check-in” level to get to the French Sector. Gornthrough customs (to the right of the check-in hall, next to Air Francerncounter).

    • Telephone

      +33 227178596

    • Idź do lady
    • w terminalu

    8.5/10 Bardzo dobry

    100+ ocen, opinii

    View details


    • Pickup

      After arriving, remain on Swiss side of airport and follow signs to on site rental cars counter. After leaving with contract in hand, exit the building and take the rental car shuttle to the P51 car park and proceed to the kiosk to complete the contract.

    • Telephone


    • Idź do lady
    • w terminalu

    8.5/10 Bardzo dobry

    100+ ocen, opinii

    View details


    • Pickup

      Please be aware that there are two Enterprise/National/Alamo locations at the Geneva Airport. Please consult your reservation to verify if you are renting from the Swiss or French sector. If renting from the French sector please follow the signs in the airport to the "French Sector" or "Gate F". The signs posted "Rental Car" or "Location Voiture" in the airport will take you to the Swiss Sector. You will need to pass through the border located inside the airport from the Swiss to the French side. Once on the French side continue straight. After passing the airline desks on the right, the Enterprise/National/Alamo desk is located on the right. Enterprise/National/Alamo are serviced from the same desk.

    • Telephone


    • Bezpłatny autobus wahadłowy
    • w terminalu

    8.5/10 Bardzo dobry

    200+ ocen, 1 opinii

    View details


    • Pickup

      Once you arrive at the baggages claims, please go through the customs. After follow the signage “Location de voitures / Car Rental” to reach our counter at Grould Floor.

    • Telephone

      022 7178080 / +022 7178074 / 022 7882405

  • 8.5/10 Bardzo dobry

    200+ ocen, 1 opinii

    View details


    • Pickup

      Our SIXT branch is located on the French Side of the airport. If you arrive by plane: follow "Secteur France" to join us. From the International arrival hall, go left, then up to the 1st floor. The entrance to the French side is on your right. Make sure to have your flight travel ticket ready, to go through Swiss to the French side (and opposite). If you arrive by train or by car: take Route douanière (01210 - Ferney Voltaire) to access the French side of the airport.

    • Telephone


    • Idź do lady
    • w terminalu

    8.5/10 Bardzo dobry

    200+ ocen, 1 opinii

    View details


    • Telephone


  • 8.5/10 Bardzo dobry

    200+ ocen, opinii

    View details


    • Pickup

      Arrival with an international flight (except France): On leaving the plane, follow the usual passenger route and go through Swiss customs, after follow the blue signage "Car Rental". Arrival with a French flight: Disembarkation directly in the French sector, exit can be in France or in Switzerland follow the signs on leaving the plane in direction Swiss side. Go through the Swiss customs. We are located at the Terminal 1 on arrival floor and announce with the following blue signage "Car Rental"

    • Telephone


    • Idź do lady
    • w terminalu

    8.5/10 Bardzo dobry

    100+ ocen, opinii

    View details


    • Pickup

      Airport Terminal Instructions COUNTER: Exit the arrival hall & turn right. Look for the Budget desk. CARS: On-site. RETURNS: Same as pick-up. AFTER-HOURS RETURNS: Available.

    • Telephone

      +41229290330 / +41229290339

    • Bezpłatny autobus wahadłowy

    8.5/10 Bardzo dobry

    100+ ocen, opinii

    View details


    • Pickup

      Please contact +41788605820 by phone or whatsapp 24 hours prior to pickup to confirm pickup details. Please pick up the car at the branch. Greenrent offers delivery service(10CHF per way just for reference).

    • Telephone


  • 8.4/10 Bardzo dobry

    400+ ocen, 3 opinii

    View details


    • Pickup

      Serviced by Hertz Car Rentals.

    • Telephone


    • Idź do lady
    • w terminalu

    8.4/10 Bardzo dobry

    200+ ocen, 1 opinii

    View details


    • Pickup

      Please be aware that there are two Enterprise/National/Alamo locations at the Geneva Airport. Please consult your reservation to verify if you are renting from the Swiss or French sector. If renting from the French sector please follow the signs in the airport to the "French Sector" or "Gate F". The signs posted "Rental Car" or "Location Voiture" in the airport will take you to the Swiss Sector. You will need to pass through the border located inside the airport from the Swiss to the French side. Once on the French side continue straight. After passing the airline desks on the right, the Enterprise/National/Alamo desk is located on the right. Enterprise/National/Alamo are serviced from the same desk.

    • Telephone


    • Idź do lady
    • w terminalu

    8.4/10 Bardzo dobry

    200+ ocen, 1 opinii

    View details


    • Pickup

      After arriving, remain on Swiss side of airport and follow signs to on site rental cars counter. After leaving with contract in hand, exit the building and take the rental car shuttle to the P51 car park and proceed to the kiosk to complete the contract.

    • Telephone


    • Idź do lady
    • w terminalu

    8.3/10 Bardzo dobry

    200+ ocen, 1 opinii

    View details


    • Pickup

      Please go to our agency of Geneva on the French Sector. On arrival,rngo up to the “Check-in” level to get to the French Sector. Gornthrough customs (to the right of the check-in hall, next to Air Francerncounter).

    • Telephone

      +33 227178596 / +41 22 717 85 96

  • 8.3/10 Bardzo dobry

    200+ ocen, 1 opinii

    View details


    • Pickup

      After arriving, remain on Swiss side of airport and follow signs to on site rental cars counter. After leaving with contract in hand, exit the building and take the rental car shuttle to the P51 car park and proceed to the kiosk to complete the contract.

    • Telephone


Widok mapy lokalizacji wypożyczalni samochodów w Geneva Airport(French Side) (GVA)

google local

Dobrze wiedzieć

piątek jest najbardziej ruchliwym dniem w tygodniu w Geneva Airport(french Side) (GVA)

Natomiast Wtorek jest dniem najmniej ruchliwym.

12:00 do 13:00 to godzina szczytu w ciągu dnia o godzinie Geneva Airport(french Side) (GVA)

Więcej rezerwacji oznacza więcej czasu spędzonego w kolejce do kasy. Przygotuj się, jeśli odebranie zamówienia z Lotnisko Genewa (strona francuska) (GVA) zajmie Ci dużo czasu.

* Na podstawie zaplanowanego czasu odbioru wszystkich rezerwacji z Geneva Airport(French Side) (GVA).

Zurych jest miejscem docelowym nr 1 w przypadku wynajmu samochodów w jedną stronę przy odbiorze z Genewa

Wynajem samochodów w jedną stronę stanowi prawie 10% wszystkich rezerwacji w Lotnisko Genewa (strona francuska) (GVA).Z tego, oprócz Zurych , inne najlepsze miejsca docelowe: Lausanne, La Chaux de Fonds .

85.41% spośród Gości wybiera Podstawowa ochrona w Geneva Airport(french Side)(GVA)

Średnio Podstawowa ochrona kosztuje USD 64.75 dziennie dla Small , USD 68.95 dla SUV i USD 98.17 dla Large .

Do You Know?

  • Kraj źródłowy nr 1

    Klienci z Chorwacja najczęściej wybierają Geneva Airport(french Side)(GVA) jako punkt wyjścia podróży służbowych i turystycznych.

  • Większe jest lepsze

    Wynajmujący z Wielka Brytania preferują bardziej przestronne modele samochodów, takie jak Opel Vivaro,Mercedes-Benz Vito i Toyota ProAce .

  • Całkiem Planista

    Polska Wynajmujący lubią planować dużo wcześniej, zazwyczaj dokonują rezerwacji online 80 dni przed odbiorem Lotnisko Genewa (strona francuska) (GVA).

Płać za wynajem samochodu za pomocą kryptowaluty

Oprócz kart kredytowych i debetowych możesz teraz płacić za wynajem samochodów online kryptowalutą! Akceptowane są Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) i Bitcoin Cash (BCH). Ciekawi Cię, ile trwa transakcja Bitcoin lub jak płacić Bitcoin? Przeczytaj nasze FAQ, aby uzyskać więcej szczegółów.
Planujesz wynająć samochód na następną podróż? Subskrybuj, aby otrzymać kupony o wartości 100 USD dla nowych użytkowników!
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