US$ 41/dzień
Najlepsza cena wynajmu samochodu
Lokalizacje wypożyczalni
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Ostatnia aktualizacja: 4 Marzec 2025
10 Lokalizacje wypożyczalni
The rental car shuttle is available in front of the Long Term Parking Garage. Exit the terminal on Level 1 Baggage Claim and walk towards the Long Term Parking Garage adjacent to the terminal.
8.6/10 Bardzo dobry
800+ ocen, 5 opinii
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Airport Terminal Instructions After collecting luggage, follow signs to the Consolidated Rental Car bus area. The bus will take customers to the Consolidated Rental Car Facility, which is located in the south terminal. Shuttle time will average 20 to 30 minutes one-way. Departing customers should arrive at the car rental check-in at least three hours prior to flight time. The airport is open 24 hours and busses run 24 hours. Passengers with special needs should contact MVI Field Services at (615) 318-3108. RETURNS: Follow airport signs to the Car Rental Return. They will lead to the Consolidated Car Rental Facility. AFTER-HOURS RETURNS: Available. Follow airport signs to the Car Rental Return. They will lead to the Consolidated Car Rental Facility, which is located in the south terminal. An employee will be in the return lanes to check in your vehicle. We are open 24 hours/day, and we are staffed to handle returns at all times.
+15044671296 / +15044648830
8.5/10 Bardzo dobry
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The branch is in the airport. Please proceed to counter to pick up the car by following the airport sign.
8.5/10 Bardzo dobry
100+ ocen, opinii
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For deplaning customers, an airport-provided shuttle will take you from the terminal to the consolidated rental car facility. From baggage claim, follow signs to board the "Rental Car Shuttle", which runs on regular intervals. Please allow for 30-45 min to transfer from the terminal to the rental facility due to this change. Upon arriving at the Rental Car Center, please proceed to the Enterprise Car Rental counter to obtain your rental agreement. Customers incurring a flight delay may proceed to the National Rental Counter for assistance after-hours.
8.5/10 Bardzo dobry
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"Currently there is a two-shuttle process from your arrival at the airport. Exit the terminal between doors 10-11. Walk across the breezeway and get on the rental car shuttle bus the airport provides. The bus will bring you to the rental car facility. Once you get to the facility, wait where the buses drop you off. Call (504)287-4090 for the next shuttle. We are located 5 minutes away from the station. AFTER HOURS RETURNS: If you choose to return outside of normal business hours, you may return your vehicle to NOLA Parking located at 1601 Airline Dr. Kenner, LA. There will be a $20.00/day charge for parking/shuttle fee. If you choose not to use this service, please park in front of our location and put the keys in the dropbox."
8.5/10 Bardzo dobry
100+ ocen, opinii
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For deplaning customers, an airport-provided shuttle will take you from the terminal to the consolidated rental car facility. From baggage claim, follow signs to board the "Rental Car Shuttle", which runs on regular intervals. Please allow for 30-45 min to transfer from the terminal to the rental facility due to this change. Upon arriving at the Rental Car Center, please proceed to the National Car Rental counter to obtain your rental agreement.
8.5/10 Bardzo dobry
200+ ocen, 1 opinii
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For deplaning customers, an airport provided shuttle will take you from the terminal to the consolidated rental car facility. From baggage claim, follow signs to board the "Rental Car Shuttle", which runs on regular intervals. Please allow for 30-45 min to transfer from the terminal to the rental facility due to this change. Upon arriving at the Rental Car Center please proceed to the Alamo Car Rental counter to obtain your rental agreement. Kunden, deren Flüge sich verspäten, können sich außerhalb der Geschäftszeiten an den National Car Rental-Schalter wenden. Customers incurring a flight delay may proceed to the National Rental Counter for assistance after-hours.
8.5/10 Bardzo dobry
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the hertz counter is located in the rental car center - very end of terminal d. please take a rental car shuttle from the airport to the rental car center in order to pick up your vehicle. gold customers can proceed directly to the 3rd floor of the parking garage for the gold board.please note: credit cards and debit cards can be used at the start of a rental, however there are some restrictions regarding the use of a debit card. to qualify for a rental using a debit card, you will be required to provide proof of a return airline flight that coincides with your rental and present two (2) valid forms of identification.
8.5/10 Bardzo dobry
100+ ocen, opinii
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8.3/10 Bardzo dobry
300+ ocen, opinii
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Airport Terminal Instructions Airline Passengers: After collecting luggage, follow signs to the Consolidated Rental Car bus area. The bus will take customers to the Consolidated Rental Car Facility, which is located in the south terminal. Shuttle time will average 20 to 30 minutes one-way. Departing customers should arrive at the car rental check-in at least three hours prior to flight time. The airport is open 24 hours and busses run 24 hours. Passengers with special needs should contact MVI Field Services at (615) 318-3108. Local renters go to car lot. WALK-UP RENTERS Follow airport signs to the Car Rental Return. They will lead to the Consolidated Car Rental Facility.
+15044649511 / +15044648834
Stanowi 38% wszystkich wynajmowanych samochodów. Najczęściej wybierane typy samochodów to: Small , SUV i Large .
* Na podstawie wszystkich rezerwacji od New Orleans Airport (MSY) z ostatnich 30 dni.
Najniższe stawki za wynajem w Lotnisko w Nowym Orleanie (MSY) wynoszą średnio USD 57.51 i mogą wzrosnąć do USD 123.82 w godzinach największego natężenia ruchu lipiec . Skorzystaj z tego wniosku, aby zaplanować podróż w sposób dla siebie najbardziej korzystny.
Natomiast piątek jest dniem najmniej ruchliwym.
Więcej rezerwacji oznacza więcej czasu spędzonego w kolejce do kasy. Przygotuj się, jeśli odebranie zamówienia z Lotnisko w Nowym Orleanie (MSY) zajmie Ci dużo czasu.
* Na podstawie zaplanowanego czasu odbioru wszystkich rezerwacji z New Orleans Airport (MSY).
Większość klientów rezerwuje samochód na wynajem od New Orleans Airport(MSY) na 1 dni, co pokazuje, że popularne są krótkoterminowe podróże.
Wynajem samochodów w jedną stronę stanowi prawie 29% wszystkich rezerwacji w Lotnisko w Nowym Orleanie (MSY).Z tego, oprócz Nashville , inne najlepsze miejsca docelowe: Houston, Lafayette .
Średnio Podstawowa ochrona kosztuje USD 58.14 dziennie dla Small , USD 74.32 dla SUV i USD 70.36 dla Large .
Do You Know?
Kraj źródłowy nr 1
Klienci z Słowenia najczęściej wybierają New Orleans Airport(MSY) jako punkt wyjścia podróży służbowych i turystycznych.
Większe jest lepsze
Wynajmujący z Stany Zjednoczone preferują bardziej przestronne modele samochodów, takie jak i Toyota Sienna .
Całkiem Planista
Australia Wynajmujący lubią planować dużo wcześniej, zazwyczaj dokonują rezerwacji online 62 dni przed odbiorem Lotnisko w Nowym Orleanie (MSY).
9.2/10 Doskonały
400+ ocen, 1 opinii
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