There is a speed limit of 50 km/h in rural areas and 100 km/h in built-up areas. Recommended maximum speed on motorways is 130 km/h.
Whether for leisure or daily use, driving is very popular in Germany, which is said to feature the most well-established and fast Autobahns. However, not all motorways in Germany have unlimited speed restrictions. You are allowed to drive as fast as the circumstances allows on 50% of the motorways, while for the other half are limited from 80 to 130 km/h, which are enforced.
Q1.Co to jest franszyza ubezpieczeniowa?
Q2. Jak mogę dodać dodatkowy sterownik?
Q3.Co zrobić, jeśli chcę odebrać lub oddać wypożyczony samochód poza godzinami pracy?
Q4. Czy mogę zabrać wynajęty samochód do innego kraju lub za granicę?
P5. Czy mogę odebrać samochód w jednym miejscu i zwrócić go w innym?
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