· Permitted Parking
Parking spaces in Athens are quite rare and hotel parking is usually not free of charge. It would be advisable for you to book a hotel that offers free spots.
In Santorini – one of the most touristic islands almost all tourist attractions there offer free parking.
You may not be familiar with the below parking signs, which inform you that parking is prohibited in the odd or even months of the year.
Alternative Parking (Prohibited on the Odd Months of Year) | Alternative Parking (Prohibited on the Even Months of Year) |
· Parking in Athens
Athens has a specific parking system in place. Spaces marked by a white line are for short-term visitors while spaces marked in yellow are for commercial use only. Short-term visitors can use the white spaces from 09:00 to 21:00 on weekdays, and from 09:00 to 16:00 on weekends.
Prepaid parking cards need to be displayed for the use of blue short-stay spaces, and can be bought at newsagents, tobacconists, kiosks and other small shops, with a maximal validity of 3 hours.
Occupying short-term parking spaces without paying the required parking fee, or exceed the time limit for which has been paid for will incur a €20 fine. If paying within 10 days, the fine can be reduced by half.

· Forbidden Parking
In Greece, you are not allowed to park in the following spots:
- Less than 15 feet from a fire hydrant
- Less than 5 metres of a pedestrian crossing
- Less than 15 metres from a bus stop
- More than 12 inches from the curb
- On the sidewalk
- If blocking a driveway
- With the left side of the vehicle next to the curb
- Less than 20 feet from a crosswalk or intersection
- Within 30 feet from a traffic control device
- In a fire lane
- In violation of a posted sign regulating parking within a shopping centre or office complex
Vehicles parked in prohibited places may be towed away or their licence plates may be removed. Fines will be also applied.