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Ze Stanów Zjednoczonych
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Z Japonii
+81 3-4578-4029
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Z Tajlandii
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Z Francji
Z Izraela
Z Niemiec
+49 6107 6353100
Z Chin
Z Korei Południowej (tylko połączenia krajowe)
00308 491 0209
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Qreator Program Terms and Conditions

Thank you for considering the QEEQ Qreator Program. Our content creator partners are very important to us. This agreement is designed with you in mind, as well as protecting you, QEEQ and our customers. Please read thoroughly before submitting a sign up information. If you have any questions, please contact us at qreator@qeeq.com.


These Terms and Conditions (the "Qreator Agreement") govern the QEEQ Qreator Program that is made available by Qompass Voyage Itd. (“QEEQ” “QEEQ.COM”, “us” or “we”). These Terms and Conditions should be read in conjunction with the Website Terms of Use and the Website Privacy Policy. These documents set out the terms on which you (the "Affiliate", or "you") may use the Website, and how we collect, process and protect your personal data when you browse the Website. These Terms and Conditions represent the whole agreement and understanding between QEEQ and the individual or entity who participates in the QEEQ Qreator Program.

By applying to the QEEQ Qreator Program you are confirming that you have read the agreement and agree to the terms and conditions. QEEQ may terminate your Qreator Account at any time, with or without notice, for conduct that is in breach of this Qreator Agreement, for conduct that QEEQ believes is harmful to its business, or for conduct where the use of the QEEQ Qreator Program is harmful to any other party.


Commissions are only paid for successfully completed transactions, where the customer finishes their car rental and returns the vehicle without any disputes. Transactions made using the Diamond discount price, as well as those resulting in chargebacks or refunds, are not eligible for commission. To earn commissions, bookings must be made using the designated promo code or affiliate link, with commissions attributed on a last-click basis and a 30-day cookie duration. Affiliates are fully responsible for ensuring that their links are properly coded and tracked for accurate attribution.


Commissions are paid monthly, provided the total unpaid commission surpasses the $150 threshold. If the threshold is not met, the commission will roll over and accumulate in your account until it surpasses the threshold, triggering the payment release.

Commissions from transactions completed in a given month, along with other accumulated rewards, will be paid out in the corresponding settlement month once they exceed the $150 payment threshold. A commission report for the current month will be generated at the beginning of the following month. After reconciliation, payment will be completed by the 15th of the following month. Please note that international transfers may take additional time to process.

We offer only one method for commission payouts: direct bank transfer. Credit card accounts are not supported. All major currencies are accepted, based on the options available when you provide your account details.

Trademark Requirement

"QEEQ" and related icons and logos are registered trademarks or trademarks or service marks of QEEQ.COM. These requirements apply to your use of QEEQ.COM and other trademarks and service marks belonging to Qompass Voyage ltd, other related entities in content that has been approved by us.

1. You may use the Trademarks only for purposes expressly authorized by us.

2. You may not display the Trademarks in any manner that implies endorsement of your website or business by QEEQ.COM beyond your involvement in the Program.

3. You may not use the Trademarks to disparage QEEQ.COM, its products or services, or in a manner which, in our reasonable judgment, may diminish or otherwise damage our good will in the Trademarks.

4. You may place the QEEQ.COM name or logo adjacent to competitive brands, subject to the requirements of this Agreement, including prohibitions against objectionable material and websites.

5. You acknowledge that all rights to the Trademarks are our exclusive property and all goodwill generated through your use of the Trademarks will inure to our benefit.

6. YOU MAY NOT use the Trademarked Names, QEEQ, QEEQ.COM, or any variations or misspelling thereof, in any manner including but not limited to Keyword Bidding on Search Engines; asserting them in metatags, hidden text, source code, Domain Name or Any Other Part of Your Universal Record Locator or to direct traffic to any website other than our website.

7. You may not bid on any keyword or on any Pay per Click Search Engines (PPCSEs) where such keyword is one of our trademarks or any variation or misspelling of our Trademarks. Further, you may not bid on any word or term that is confusingly similar to any of our trademarks standing alone. Affiliates are not allowed to bid on the name, brand term below: QEEQ.COM, qeeq.com, qeeq, QEEQ

8. You may not employ any "fat finger" domains or typo squatters redirecting web traffic to your website. A typo squatter for "fat finger" domain is any domain that amounts to misspellings of any registered or unregistered Trademarks.

9. You may not bid on any keyword or on any PPCSEs that is one of our competitors' trademarks (or a derivation of a competitor's trademark), or any other word or term that is likely to cause confusion regarding its affiliation with the competitor.

10. You may not bid on restricted terms or any derivatives thereof that are likely to cause confusion regarding its affiliation with QEEQ.COM, its affiliates or you, in any paid search.

11.  QEEQ may, in its sole discretion, terminate affiliates or withhold payment of your commissions for the days that we determine that you were bidding in violation of the keyword bidding requirements above.


The Affiliate may terminate the participation in the QEEQ Qreator Program with immediate effect by giving the other party a written notice of termination.

QEEQ reserves the right to terminate the Affiliate's participation in the QEEQ Qreator Program at any time for conduct that is in material breach of this Qreator Agreement or for conduct that QEEQ, in its sole discretion, deems to be harmful to its business or any third party.

Upon termination, the Affiliate will lose access to the Partner Portal or any relevant platforms. Commissions will still be paid for transactions placed before termination, provided they are completed, but no commissions will be paid for transactions placed after termination. A report will be generated on the termination date, detailing any pending transactions. Once all pending transactions have been confirmed and the transactions status is completed, a final commission settlement will be processed.


QEEQ will not be liable for indirect or accidental damages (loss of revenue, commissions) due to affiliate tracking failures, loss of database files, or any results of intents of harm to the Program and/or to our website(s).

We do not make any expressed or implied warranties with respect to the Program. We make no claim that the operation of the Program and QEEQ.COM will be error-free and we will not be liable for any interruptions or errors.


QEEQ may change or modify this Qreator Agreement at its sole discretion without prior notice. These modifications may include, but not limited to changes in the scope of available commissions, commission schedules, payment procedures and QEEQ Qreator Program rules.

If any modification is unacceptable to the Affiliate, its sole recourse shall be to terminate this Qreator Agreement. The Affiliate's continued participation in the QEEQ Qreator Program will constitute binding acceptance of such modifications.

Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong SAR, without regard to its conflict of laws rules.